Monday, September 3, 2012

"Be Careful What You Wish For"

     My apartment is ground level, and has a large picture window facing a grassy courtyard. Nice, right? Absolutely, except when my neighbors decide to have a barbeque practically right in front of my window, resulting in a definite infringement on my privacy, a luxury that I have not always been fortunate enough to enjoy. Yesterday, I prayed for rain so that they would all go inside, and I could then open my windows and blinds. (Selfish of me, I know.)  Such was not to be, as the ever threatening rain held off.  This morning, however, was another story. The requested rainstorm materialized, when it was time for me to walk my freshly bathed dog. I actually intuited this exact scenario.  My intuition did not deter me from wishing for the bad weather, though.  I am now inside with my soaking wet dog, wishing for the humidity to dissipate so that he will dry out.  Of course, that will result in another barbeque…   (Be careful what you wish for…)  

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