Monday, August 13, 2012

You've Come a Long Way, Baby...

Happy Anniversary to me!
I love my life of autonomy.
I have lots of friends
And the fun never ends.
It's wonderful to
Finally be free!

     This is the final week of my Summer II semester, Creative Writing.  I thoroughly enjoy  this class, but I am ready for a break before I attempt the unimaginable-I am registered for four-3 credit courses in the fall semester.  I am having difficulty envisioning myself as a full time student, but I am taking the plunge.  I have enrolled for two of my electives. English: Fiction and Film Studies; Communications: Evolution of Film, with my favorite Professor. (Have I mentioned that he reads my blog?)  Not to worry! I’m not looking to score any points here. I will always apply myself wholeheartedly in film study. In any of the classes, really. I’m too old to play games. Let’s face it, I wouldn’t bother going to school if I didn’t want to learn.  I am also registered for Dynamics of Communication and World Geography. Dynamics of Communication will entail Public Speaking, which is not exactly my strong suit.  I won’t have any trouble composing speeches, but the oral presentations will be challenging.  I am looking forward to Geography.  Since I am not a world traveler, I will be familiarizing myself with the various destinations that many of my friends visit. While I am eagerly anticipating this semester, there is a down side.  I have saved Biology, Algebra, and Political studies for later. That will be fun! Not! I also have yet to take the three requisite Communications courses. I fully expect to reach the halfway mark (to my Associates Degree) this winter, if all goes as planned. I have made some progress in the three years since my divorce...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Regarding the title, anyone in my age group probably can recall the "Virgina Slims" cigarette ads: "You've come a long way, baby, to get where you got to today."