Monday, August 27, 2012

"Miss Clairol is an Enabler"


      Seriously!  Would it be even remotely possible for me to successfully deny my age without her? Doubtful! 
     I sometimes peruse old photos of my mom and her sisters when they were my age.  They all looked so much older that I do. “Why is that?” you may ask.  Because they were not acquainted with Miss Clairol, of course.  They only rarely dyed their hair!  My mother would, on a rare occasion, never consistently, as I have for a number of years.  When she did, it looked so unnatural.  I believe it behooves a woman to start coloring as soon as she has too many grays to discreetly yank.  This way, people are accustomed to her signature dark hair, regardless of her age.
     Coloring my hair does present its own set of problems.  For one thing, I have to remove my glasses so as not to get hair dye on them.  That is tantamount to having my hairdresser color my hair while wearing a blindfold.  I have to wear bangs for days to hide my tinted forehead, and at times my hair looks like it was highlighted, but that is actually just where I missed.  Coloring my hair has also distorted my sense of perception.  I mistakenly perceive people with gray hair to be somewhat older than me, but I am frequently incorrect in that assessment.  This can cause me to be dismissive in the hunt for a suitor.  I don’t know how I’m going to overcome that hurdle.  Maybe I should take my glasses off…

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