Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Indian on Horseback"

     Some of my 50 something girlfriends and I are embarking on our first sojourn into Internet dating. One daring friend is meeting a fellow for coffee this evening. Once they formulated a plan, she spent the better part of the week in preparation. She had a manicure, a pedicure, and her hair done. She adroitly planned her choice of outfits, spending a number of hours trying on different blouses, slacks, and skirts, until she found the perfect combination of flattering and fashionable. With an air of self satisfaction, she was ready to meet the potential suitor.  Her date subsequently called, and indicated that he would meet her outside of the designated coffee bar. He said she would know him by his apparel: he’d be wearing... a grey tee shirt emblazoned with a picture of an Indian riding a horse…. Aghast, my friend though to herself:  “A what???  He’s really pulling out all the stops, isn’t he?!?!?!?!”  (Personally, I have to wonder if there is some hidden male significance in his choice that we females may not be privy to.)  
     Another of our friends indicated that a fellow’s choice of apparel is not important. After all, she opined, her beau isn’t a fashion plate. Whenever they go out together, she chooses his clothes so that he doesn’t embarrass her…Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn’t this the kind of stuff we gave up when we got divorced? 
     As for me, I decided to take a look at “Our Time”, the dating site for ages 50 and up.  I perused about 8-10 photos, and found that my fierce denial of my advancing age was in serious jeopardy. Somewhat perturbed, I promptly logged off.  I am definitely going to ease my way into this…

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