Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cabin Fever

     I am developing a severe case of cabin fever. One contributing factor is because Buddy, my Lab, can’t bear to be alone.  I realize that I have touched on Buddy’s anxiety a bit in the past, but, believe me when I tell you, this dog is a full blown Neurotic, with a capital N!  My scenario was exacerbated recently because 20 something son #1 and his girlfriend were away for a few days. Therefore, I have been pretty much confined to quarters, since I don’t want the dog barking and howling his fool head off, and ultimately bothering my neighbors. (I can’t very well allow Buddy to make a racket when I was so hostile to my new noisy neighbor. Don't you agree?)  My Psych professor would tell me that I am reinforcing negative behavior. Well, I suppose she would be correct in that assessment.  I have been half contemplating getting Buddy a pet, someone to keep him company when I am out. Having two dogs was more difficult in some ways (as many of you know, my Husky passed away in December), but in other ways it was much better. I had more of a life when I had two dogs, as I found it comforting knowing they weren’t lonely when I wasn’t home.  I love my dog, but I am seriously craving some human companionship.  On a positive note, being home so much has enabled me to indulge my love for movies quite a bit.  I watched “Night of the Hunter” for the first time. I had tried watching this film a couple of times previously, but I could never get into it, and ultimately gave up.  However, after having recently studied some of the different lighting techniques utilized on this film, I was intrigued. So I persevered, only to be swept off my feet! It was an absolute, edge of your seat thriller!  I strongly recommend it. I also watched “Lolita”.  In the past, I was rather ambivalent about watching this movie. However, this coming fall we will be studying the films of Stanley Kubrick in my "Evolution of Film" class.  Consequently, I watched the movie, and recorded it for future reference. I was actually pleasantly surprised.   
     Here’s a snippet of information. Shelley Winters played the female lead.  I know of four movies where she was, shall we say, eliminated.  Lolita, Night of the Hunter, and A Day in the Sun, and Poseidon Adventure. Is that because she was so annoying?  Or perhaps her annoying characteristics signify the ability of a great actress…
     Does anyone know of other films where she was killed off?  Any thoughts or comments?

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