Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Proclamation of Emancipation"

     It's graduation time!  Every June, multitudes of high school graduates decorate their cars with streamers, and go joy riding through the city, gleefully expressing their ecstasy at having been, shall we say, emancipated.  In addition to decorating their cars, they write on the windows: Class of "whatever year" it happens to be, along with sometimes questionable declarations.  I saw one "Proclamation of Emancipation" yesterday that nearly floored me. It said:  "Class of 2013! WE OUT ! ".   There it was, in big, bold letters, written on the windshield, for all the world to see. (Okay, maybe not all of the world, but anyone and everyone in my town).   All I can say is, I'm glad my children didn't attend that particular high school.
     I know I keep harping on this, but proper grammar and correct spelling are extremely important to me.  With so much business being conducted in writing, it is amazing to me the number of errors I see in both! 
Personally, I can take what seems to be forever to write an Email (or a paper for school, or a blog post).  I read and reread until I can't stand it anymore, and I'm not afraid to use a dictionary.  (Daniel Webster is my friend.)  It's tough being a perfectionist, but worth the effort, I believe.  After all, I'm not writing in my journal, or sending text messages.  Many people at varying levels read what I write, and I want it to be right!

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