Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Cable Catastrophe Continued..."

     My moving saga of dealing with inept people rages on-after more than a month.  I received my cable bill on Thursday.  Normally, I wouldn't have opened it until I knew it was due, but my intuition signaled to me that I not wait this month.  My bill, for one month, was $265.00!  I immediately scoured the bill's details, in search of the additional cost.  Sure enough, I found it with relative ease, and digested it with much angst.  There was a "service charge" of $110.00 added to my regular bill.  I got on the phone immediately, with my curiosity and fury competing emotionally.  The Customer Service Rep I spoke to indicated that the fee was for "non-returned equipment".  I expressed to him that I retained my old equipment, to which he replied "mm-hmm".  Fury won the emotional battle, as I expressed to him incredulously that he sounded as if he didn't believe me.  He didn't.  He went on to explain that the company always provides new equipment to customers when they move.  (Not surprisingly, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.  Read on.)  I clearly expressed to him that someone from his company instructed me to disconnect my equipment myself and bring it with me, which I did.  "Mm-hmm", he replied, nearly irritating me beyond reason. I assertively informed him that I'd be damned if I was going to pay it, therefore he had better get his supervisor on the phone.  He put me on hold for a few minutes, and then finally came back on the line to tell me my account would be credited.  Ha!  I knew that going in.
     Did I tell you that my router hasn't been working?  I imagined I was going to need another useless technician come out and hook up a new one.  However, I managed to figure the issue out myself, despite being technologically challenged.  The original technicians (that's right, two of them failed to get it right) never connected the router to the modem.  I'm sure I don't know what they were doing here for thirty minutes, but it apparently wasn't hooking up all of my equipment properly.  Fortunately, I have a couple of extra ethernet cables on hand (two of my flea market bargains at $ .50 each).  Finally, everything is in working condition.  Now I can only hope that next month's bill is correct.  What are the odds?  I don't believe they are in my favor... 

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