Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Buddy's Diet"

     Buddy and I are both on diets.  The vet had indicated that Buddy, at 116 pounds, was overweight (as if I didn't know that, what with his increasingly rotund appearance, coupled with my diminishing ability to control him physically!).   As for me, I have my own personal "ceiling", and I had reached it.  Last summer.
     Our diets began in earnest on April 10th, my first day back at work, as we incorporated a thirty minute walk into our morning routine.  For Buddy, the walk has a dual purpose.  He definitely needs the exercise to better manage his weight, besides which I figure the long walk will tire him out so that he will sleep in my absence.  For me, the walks also serve a dual purpose.  I need the exercise too, especially given my advancing age, for weight control, and my mental health.  Wait-that's three.  Well, suffice to say that walking is beneficial to me in myriad ways.
     Initially, I did not decrease Buddy's food intake for the first six weeks, despite the Vet indicating that I should.  A couple of weeks ago, twenty something son #2 intimated that I could probably decrease Buddy's intake of dry food by a cup per day, at least.  (Him I listened to...he too works with animals.)  I took Buddy to the vet on Thursday, and he had lost fifteen pounds in just over two months!  The vet was amazed, and considered Buddy's weight loss to be remarkable. I was beaming with pride as Buddy showed off his new svelte physique.
     I decreased my own food intake immediately once I began my own diet.  A few pounds have come off, albeit much more slowly.  In fact, over the last year, I have lost a mere eight pounds.  What the fudge!  I'm now dejectedly contemplating incorporating "Beneful" into my diet...

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