Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Bargain Hunting"

     My thirty-something son lives in a more upscale town.  Now, it's not Beverly Hills, mind you, but it's far more upscale than my town.  How do I know this?  Well, aside from the multitude of mansions perched on vast properties, or the BMW's and Jaguars parked in long, winding driveways, that would be the ATM machines.  I recently went to a flea market up there (it's in the mountains of New Jersey-although they are probably more like foothills to those of you from California!), but  I had to grab some quick cash along the way.  I swiped my card, hit withdrawal, indicated savings account, and then...the ATM asked if it was savings #1, #2, or #3!  I have never seen this in any ATM machine that I've visited previously!  I pondered that a minute, briefly confused (I'm not particularly dumb, just economically challenged!).  I'm lucky to have one savings account-and there ain't much in it!  (I know ain't isn't a real word. However, sometimes using it just feels right.)  I  tremulously indicated savings #1, and out popped my cash.  That ATM probably hasn't registered a balance like that-ever!
     Going to estate sales, moving sales, and flea markets in upscale areas has it's advantages.  The first time I attended an estate sale in that town, I assumed that anything the people would be selling would be out of my price range.  However, quite the opposite is true.  What I'm finding is that the sellers are actually more interested in getting rid of the merchandise, rather than making any real money off of it.  (I guess if they have three savings accounts, they don't need the little bit of green that people like me are going to spend!)  I've found some real bargains in that area.  If I remember correctly, I told you about the estate sale I attended last summer.  I got about fifteen paperback books and a pair of kitchen curtains, all in mint condition-for free!  The other items I purchased were frightfully inexpensive.  
     As you know, I moved recently.  I had been looking for an accent table for my bathroom.  I didn't know exactly what I wanted, but I would know it when I saw it.  I found it that day at the local Flea Market.  It is adorable-antique white, with beautiful scroll work edging its face.  If the vendor had seen my look of sheer delight upon catching sight of it, she may have upped her price.  I would have given her twenty dollars for it-but she only asked for five...I snatched that table and ran (as much as someone flirting with sixty can run).  So-if you enjoy these types of scavenger hunts as much as I do, don't avoid the "richer" towns.  The bargains are plentiful.

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