Saturday, December 15, 2012


There was nothing to do in Vermont but eat.
They didn't have snow so we couldn't ski.
It grew dark so early there was nothing to see.
Luckily for me, I like to eat!

     Vermont is a beautiful state, I'm sure.  Except when I visited last weekend, the weather was dull and dreary, and all of the trees were bare. (Duh! It's winter!)  We drove for endless hours on a narrow road carved out of the mountains, and the scenery became monotonous after awhile.  It was certainly not what I expected.  I would like to visit again, except in the fall when the foliage must be outstanding.  I would love to see all of those mountains in living color.  Additionally, we went on a bus tour over the course of three days.  It was entirely too much traveling for such a short trip.  We did see some marvelous sights, though, in our trips to Woodstock and Hildene. We visited Robert Todd Lincoln's home. I can't describe how awesome it was to see hand written letters, and the top hat of President Lincoln.  Definitely a highlight of the trip. 


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