Thursday, December 27, 2012

"The Tortoise Bites the Dust"

     My 1995 Chevy Corsica, a.k.a. the blue tortoise, bit the dust.  I had surmised last summer, while cruising around Ocean Grove in 90o temperatures with the heater running that the car’s demise was imminent.  I really cannot complain, however.  The car served me well. I had it for at least ten years, and I only paid $2,500.00 for it.  This wasn’t your typical second hand car, either.  You know what I mean…someone else' troubles?  The car required little more than the average maintenance: oil changes, occasional brakes, tires, etc.  I was hoping that she would hang in there a little longer until I managed to secure employment.  But such was not to be. Hence I went to the same dealer that I and my sons have patronized for years now.  He always has nice little cars, reasonably priced, and generally reliable.  I consider the fact that he is best buds with my mechanic a plus as well!  So I picked up a sweet little Chevy Cavalier with only 62,000 miles on it. (Mind you, the Corsica was so old that this 2002 feels like a brand new car!)  Surprisingly, the dealer even gave me a few C-notes for trading in the Corsica.
      I picked the car up on Friday, and all was well-or so I thought.  On Saturday morning, the weather was extremely cold, and the windows were frosted over. Now, mind you, I don’t scrape, under any circumstances! (The gallons of wind shield washer fluid, and  cases of wiper blades I keep in my trunk provide extra traction when it snows!) Somehow I sensed that the rear defroster was not going to be functional, and my intuition was, once again, on target.  So after Christmas, I headed back to the dealer, and they determined that the rear window is damaged, and needs to be replaced.  Fortunately for me, the car is under warranty.  Meanwhile, there sits my little Corsica, cold and abandoned.  What I’m wondering is if the rear window from the Corsica would fit the Cavalier…

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