Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     My life is currently pretty boring.  Hence, I have been very lax about writing new posts.  I do, however, have a little bit of news.  I finally had a real live conversation with Prince Charming!  He has a very nice voice, and seems to be an intelligent, well mannered fellow.  We were making small talk, when he randomly asked me what I was doing.  I hated to admit this, but... I was watching Jeopardy when he called. I guess I should have told him I was doing something youthful-like working out!
     This afternoon, the weather was so beautiful, that I took my lab for a 40 minute walk.  The sky was a glorious blue, and the temperature as mild as a May afternoon.  We were back about ten minutes, when I noticed the sky turning threateningly dark.  All of a sudden it starting hailing, and then pouring rain, and thundering and lightning.  I have never seen a storm that started with hail... freaky weather! Isn't it supposed to snow in December???  I know-be careful what you wish for...

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