I imagine you are wondering what happened
with my friend’s date last week. Well,
suffice to say that there will not be a second date. The fellow may as well have come on
horseback, because…he didn’t have a car! He rode on a bus to get there. To make matters
worse, he had something she didn’t bargain for-he was, shall we say, aromatic, and not in a good way. A funny coincidence is that she found him on
the same site where I found that bargain house I mentioned last week. And no, I’m not telling.
I will be starting my fall semester at
school next week. I was discussing my upcoming courses with 20-something son #2, and I
expressed puzzlement at my class schedule. Classes start on Sept. 4th,
yet I apparently don’t have class until Sept. 6th. I found that odd. So did my son, who suggested that I consult
the “academic calendar”. “What’s that?”
I naively queried. I am loathe to admit this, but I didn’t know that such a
thing existed. So, as per his
instructions, I navigated the school website, and sure enough, there it
was…Well, guess what? Classes don’t start until Wednesday…If I hadn’t looked closely at my schedule, comparing it to the
academic calendar, I would have been the only student to show up at school on
Tuesday. All of the other students, the youngsters that is, would have been at the beach
enjoying themselves, unlike this clueless “semi-senior student”, who would have
been wandering the campus grounds completely perplexed. I have a 3.85 GPA! How can I not know these
things? Perhaps I fall into the category of being “book smart”.