Thursday, March 13, 2014


     Coping with today's technology is going to give me a nervous breakdown.  I don't know how many meltdowns I can have before I crack.  I have been uploading a lot of old pictures onto my computer.  I put them in folders, and when I went to look for them later, I couldn't find them.  Literally.  After about twenty attempts, and after coming alarmingly close to hurling my computer through the picture window of my second floor apartment, I said a prayer to St. Anthony.  Old reliable!  I found the pictures.  He must know I can't afford a new computer.
     So today I go to the gym, and since none of my friends accompanied me, I watched the TV to amuse myself  while I pounded on the treadmill.  The problem arose when I tried to turn the TV off, and could not figure out how.  The remote control didn't have an on/off button.  What it did have was a room/off button.  I didn't want to press it, because I assumed it would shut off all of the power in the room.  Feeling my temper and frustration reaching their limits, I asked this young hottie on the next treadmill to show me how to shut the TV off.  He promptly pressed the room/off  button!!!  I saw him stifle a chuckle when I told him what I thought that button was for.  Call me crazy, but the last time I checked, on and room were not synonyms. 
     Yesterday, I had to schedule a meeting in work in one of the conference rooms.  Scheduling is done through the Email account.  Go to the calendar, pick a date and time, Email an invitation to the attendees, and...Email  the room!  I'm not kidding-every conference room has its own Email address, and it responds to the invitation to indicate if it is available or not. What the fudge!  I feel like I'm living in an episode of The Jetsons.

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