Saturday, February 16, 2013

“A Thorn in My Side”

     My neighbors are a royal pain in the buttocks, a thorn in my side, and one of the reasons why I want to land a job so badly.  I want, no, I need, to move! 
     I was perusing an apartment website recently, when I discovered a review about the apartment complex where I live.  Except the review wasn’t exactly about the complex, it was about the neighbors, or should I say, neighbor. Namely, yours truly!  The offensive, ill written commentary claimed that people complain about EVERYTHING, should butt out of peoples’ business, are like “whinning” little children, and blah, blah, blah!  For starters, I find it extremely difficult to take people seriously that don’t spell correctly or use proper grammar.  That being said, although the review was anonymous, I recognized the person who wrote it. She lives at the other end of the unit, and does not deal with the constant irritation that I do.  Additionally, she is a troublemaker, as well as being an offender.  Needless to say, I did not leave the review unanswered.  Here is an abridged version of my commentary:
      “There is a problem with a select number of the newer tenants. Frequent late night parties with excessive noise, infringing on the privacy of others, and compelling others to inhale their cigarette smoke and fumes from their charcoal grills is an ongoing problem. Additionally, dogs are off leash, and some tenants adorn the grounds with their dog's feces. People don't adhere to the rules established by the property manager, and they become indignant when someone (that would be me!) calls them on it.” 
    There are 32 apartments in our unit, yet there are only a few tenants who are inconsiderate. (Unfortunately, I am surrounded by them.)  I have had my dog swarmed by countless little dogs that are off leash.  Buddy has gotten fungal infections from said dogs because their owners failed to isolate them when they had fungus in their ears.  Additionally he has been peed on and nipped. Moreover, I am embarrassed to have guests over because of the buckets of poop that they are too lazy to take to the dumpster. They grace the front of the building like demented lawn ornaments. Oh, and did I mention the fireworks that they set off during the night?  No. Not firecrackers. Fireworks. 
     The situation has become intolerable, and I know I will not be able to endure another summer in this unit.  Last weekend they built a half an igloo in the courtyard, and proceeded to barbeque-in the snow.  Except the sun was setting by the time they got started, and the (charcoal) grill was relocated to right outside of the apartment.   Do I complain about this select few?  Yes I do.  Because trying to reason with them has proved to be an exercise in futility, I take my issues to management. I am entitled to peace and quiet, fresh air, and privacy.  Furthermore, I am willing to resort to “whinning” to get them.

                          The view from my window! The mini-igloo is on the left, barely discernible.

                                     Have they no pride? This is at the entrance to peoples' homes!

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