Thursday, April 26, 2012

Strange Encounter With a Syllabus

     Our professor introduced herself and, surprisingly, she disclosed her age. She’s not in her twenties. She’s not even in her thirties. What I find alarming about this is that I would perceive a “40 something” to be so young. When your age perception has evolved into the total opposite of what it used to be, you know that you’re, shall we say, maturing. I have come to believe that this distorted age perception is actually a gift from God, to fool us into believing that we still look so much younger than we really are.
     Moving on- Professor C distributed some paperwork, which included a “syllabus”. A what? When I was last in school, we had notebooks, pens, and “assignments”. This “syllabus” is totally foreign to me. Really. Among other things, it contained our homework assignments for the entire semester. Okay, that’s good, except that I completely misinterpreted it, and spent 4 hours a night for the first 2 weeks doing homework. All of this on one subject! (Thank God I had the wisdom to start off slowly and only take one course). So I called my youngest son, a college senior, to obtain his valued opinion. “Mom”, he said, “I am taking 4 courses this semester, and I don’t spend that much time on homework”. (Did I mention that he’s an honor student?)  I must be doing something wrong. I addressed this in my next class, and after getting explanations from my professor & 2 fellow students, I finally got it. I was doing three times as much work as was required, per week
The good news is that I was now 4 chapters ahead. Yippee!

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