Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First class in how many years?

     Okay. So I’m about to sit through my first class in 30 years, and I am as nervous as a fly in a spider web. I also feel somewhat self conscious because of my age, and, covertly looking around, I am aware that (thankfully) most of my classmates haven’t even noticed me.  In bounces my perky young professor, and regretfully, she looks young enough to be my daughter. (So much for my theory that the professors will be in my age group. This age thing is going from bad to worse). I peruse her features, and estimate her to be about 27. Having scanned the class,  I quickly realize that 27 is approximately the maximum age of  mostly everyone in this room, except, of course, for yours truly.  “Good evening class” Professor C  announces rather impatiently, to a group of talking, fidgeting 20 somethings. (I was sitting quietly in the first row, pen & notebook in hand).”Class”, she firmly announces,  in a near futile attempt to gain everyone's undivided attention. “I know you are all recently graduated from high school, but you are not in high school anymore”. So, either she hasn’t noticed me either, or she neglected to put her contacts in this morning. Or perhaps my best girlfriend, Miss Clairol, is working her magic after all…...I can dream, can't I?

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