Sunday, April 29, 2012

Assessing the Masses

     As I wander the halls of the college, I am compelled to do some people watching. Okay, a lot of people watching. The young students are always easy to identify. Aside from the obvious reasons, each of them has a cell phone glued either to their ear, or to their palm. The more mature transients are clutching their books, eyes shifting warily, trying not to get run over by these cell phone wielding missiles.
     Personally, I am eager to find students like myself, that is, old.  I have found them, but unfortunately none of them are in my class.
     I spotted two mature students passing through the hall remarking on a test they had taken. “It was only a test! After all, it’s not the end of the world”. Do I detect a poor grade? I can only assume.  I have found that perspectives certainly change when you are an older student. It’s liberating only having to answer to yourself for your grades.  It is also motivating because you have chosen to be there.
     One day I attended class when the temperature was approaching 90. I had been hanging out in leggings and an over sized tee shirt during the day, but was not comfortable wearing them to school. So I changed into something more “business casual”. I needn’t have worried. Most of the boys were in shorts, and a lot of the girls were in hot pants & low cut tops. I am certain no one would have noticed me on this particular day. Of course, I viewed these scantily clad girls with disapproval. Another unwelcome indicator of what I refer to as my “semi-senior” status.

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