Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Spring 2014"

     It took me weeks to make a decision regarding the Spring 2014 semester.  I procrastinated so long that by the time I went to register, the classes I was interested in were closed.  I had pretty much decided that I would ride this semester out, as my job and commute are both demanding, and I am pretty spent at the end of the day.  Then I went to see 20-something son, who is getting his Master's degree this spring.  He is supportive regardless of which choices I make, but after admitting to him that I had yet to register, I knew I immediately what I had to do.  
     Attending college is difficult, not only for the reasons I mentioned above, but also because of my age.  Sometimes I feel like a foolish old woman futilely chasing the past.  On the other hand,  I am moving forward and growing in spite of aging. I have a purpose in my life.  I am optimistic about the future.  Additionally, I want to continue to set a good example for my sons.  Was I intimidated by the thought of the upcoming semester?  You bet.   However, not meeting this challenge in front of my sons is not an option.  So after some serious scrambling and calculating,  I managed to register for my language course, although I did miss one class.  I actually feel a measure of relief having come to this decision.  At my age, I don't have the luxury of time to be skipping semesters.  But more importantly,  my sons can see me forging ahead.  They are adults, yes, but I still derive a great deal of satisfaction from being a positive influence in their lives, not to mention the self satisfaction I have when I not only pass, but excel in my classes.  Two years ago, I had 12 credits and a 2.9.GPA.  Currently, I have 33 credits and a 3.9 GPA.  I still feel somewhat foolish talking about my grades, though my sense of accomplishment outweighs those negative feelings.  
     I ran into a friend of mine last evening, an older lady.  She was beaming as she related to her friend that I had gone back to college. I cherish that moment. The support of my family and friends means an awful lot to me.  My heartfelt thanks to all who have offered support and encouragement.  Love ya!

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