Sunday, January 12, 2014

"An Effective Tool"

     FB is supposed to be a "social network", and it is.  But it is also something else.  It is a very effective tool for inflicting hurt.  Whether posts are done wittingly, or unwittingly, a particular post may incite in others sorrow, anger, indignation, any number of negative emotions.  Most likely, people are not even aware that their posts  have the power to hurt someone.  I would venture to say that 99.9% of posts are not meant to be hurtful. However, ponder this when posting:  Is someone viewing pictures you posted from an event he or she was not invited to?  Is someone reading pertinent news that he or she had been completely unaware of?  Have you "unfriended" someone without providing an opportunity to discuss whatever issue you perceive has come between you?  I have had many wonderful experiences with almost all of my FB friends, especially being able to connect with distant relatives and friends that I never get the chance to see.  But there is a down side. I recently realized that the number of friends I have on FB decreased by one.  Strange thing was, I sensed immediately who, though I can only surmise why.   (And yes, I did verify that I was unfriended.  He didn't leave FB.)  All I ever did to this person was love him.  Does he know or even care that he hurt me?  Probably not. Has he ever elected to communicate with me on any level regarding our relationship? Negative!  Have I tried to communicate? You bet!  Has it been an exercise in futility?  Yes again!
     There have been a scant number of other incidents as well, which I choose not to discuss, the most important reason being that, in those instances, the person's intent was not to hurt. My point is, exercise  sensitivity and caution, and be cognizant of timing with your FB activity.   Someone's feelings may be at stake. More importantly, it is cruel to be blatantly insensitive.  Whether you care for a person or not, each of us is deserving of respect and consideration.

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