Sunday, December 22, 2013

"Silver Lining"

     Here are some good news/ bad news scenarios affecting my life right now:
     The good news is that I no longer have acne.  The bad news is that it's been replaced by wrinkles.  The good news is I'm the only one in my class with clear skin.  The bad news is I'm the oldest student in the whole damned school. I met with my younger classmates to work on our group project recently.  Scanning the occupants of the school library, I was embarrassed to find that the only people even remotely close to my age in there were the... librarians.
      When I was younger I used to pluck my few stray greys, that is up until the practice began to alter the appearance of my hairline. Of late, I have had to engage in the same practice with my eyebrows.  Thank God for Maybelline.  For without it, I'm beginning to look like a very old Mona Lisa.
     I recently got a new pair of eyeglasses which I think are very striking, and also give me a kind of "bookish" look.  The down side is that the next time I'm eligible for new glasses-I'll be sixty.  Ouch!
    ( Speaking of turning sixty, will I then be compelled to change my blog's title to "Sixty-Something Sophomore"?)
     As previously mentioned, I recently had an older person's test done-bone density.  Receiving my diagnosis was a real wake up call, and it threw an absolute wrench in my age related state of denial.  Yes, I have osteoporosis.  The good news is that my long hair will help camouflage anything that may "arise" because of it. Additionally, when I'm in school, I will be sporting an empty backpack.  Who's to know it will be devoid of books...  And since I'm shrinking (I've already lost an inch)  that presents an opportunity to go out with shorter men, in effect broadening my significantly limited range of options. Every cloud has its silver lining.

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