Sunday, December 8, 2013

"One Liners and Other Stories""

     So I met with the "boys" Thursday evening,  to work on our final class project .  We have to meet once more, so I suggested Monday afternoon, explaining that I was unavailable in the morning because I have a test.  "Oh? In what subject?" they queried in unison.  "Bone density", I replied morosely.
     I have a friend who indicated that she had been married to "Tony Soprano", except without the money.  I can relate. I was married to "Stanley Kowalski", except without Marlon Brando's looks.
     Speaking of the Ex, we met recently to run some errands and have a cup of coffee.  As he described life with the current "missus", which, by the way, is not exactly heaven on earth, I asked him did he realize that he had married "himself"...I don't think he got my drift...
     I have another friend who indicates he may need rotator cuff surgery.  Suspicious that I may as well, I was asking about his symptoms.  He described the intense pain he has running down his arm when working, as his job entails heavy lifting.  Funny, mine only hurts when I reach in the refrigerator...I don't let that stop me though...
     I was describing to  a  coworker how my hair has a mind of its own. I have a widow's peak, which causes my hair to combat any style I attempt to achieve.  Feeling compelled to show her, she took me by complete surprise when she informed me that I do not have a widow's peak.  I ran (as much as a 50-something can run) to the nearest mirror, horrified to discover that I do not, in fact, have a widow's peak. At least not anymore...I did at one time. I imagine that, unbeknownst to me, it slowly disappeared along with my natural brown hair and full, round cheeks...

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