Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Questionable Quality"

     The great procrastinator is at it again.  I have yet to decide on a class for the upcoming Spring Semester.  Well, I had decided on a course, but then I procrastinated about paying for it.  Next thing I knew, I received a letter in the mail indicating that my course had been dropped, I needed to re-register, and to pay at the time of registration.  So I am back online browsing different courses and trying to come to another decision. There is varied criteria for my search-am I interested in the subject, will it apply to my major, is the professor a good teacher?  One tool I like to use is "Rate My Professor".  The site is comprised of students rating their professors in a number of pertinent categories: overall quality, helpfulness, clarity, easiness, and the most crucial of all, hotness!  I'm not kidding! These kids rate their professors on hotness! I found one rating particularly amusing.  A certain professor is rated as being "hot... for his age".  (He can't be more than thirty!)  As for me, the hotness rating is obviously totally inconsequential.  For one thing, any professor that I would find appealing would be considered elderly by these young students.  Additionally, I'm at an age where I am not attending college to find a husband.  What I'm really interested in is a professor's ability to actually teach.  I want someone who will push the class to excel, and not tolerate any nonsense.  But hotness?  No wonder a lot of graduates can't spell or write in sentences if that's the quality that is important to them.

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