Sunday, November 10, 2013


       I have always been more inclined to shop for "the house" than for myself.  For example-for years I have stored my make up in a Hefty one-zip bag  (the epitome of  haute couture, don't you agree?).  I recently went "garage sale hopping" with a friend, and I could barely carry all of the great bargains I had found to decorate my apartment: curtains, table cloths, pictures, cookie jars (did I mention that I don't bake anymore?)  On our last stop, I found an adorable make up bag, which was brand new.  I stood there pondering purchasing it for what seemed an eternity, when my friend, in total exasperation, told me to just buy it, as it was only 50 cents!  So the make up bag came home with me, and I now use the one zip bags to store what they are intended for-food.
   Later that week, I went to the local mall on a shopping spree.  I needed to purchase some "unmentionables", but the price of some of these "unmentionables" (okay, I'll say it-bras)  was ridiculous.  I was appalled to see bras like I have previously purchased for $14.99 now selling for $38.00 apiece.  (Unless someone else bought them, they are still sitting on the rack.)  I subsequently went in search of some bargains, and bought three for the price of one.  Once I finished in the lingerie department, I went to the bed and bath department.  I bought two bath mat sets,  four hand towels, and I spent a whopping $154.00!  (I know what's important!  Not!  I'm "prioritizationally" perplexed.)  While checking out, the cashier asked me did I have two bathrooms. I indicated that I have one bathroom, but that I am depressed. (Lots of people shop when they are depressed.)  I was even more depressed when my credit card statement arrived.  Okay, so I'm broke, and my back hurts from wearing cheap bras, but my bathroom looks great!

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