Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Late Bloomer"

     I mentioned to a coworker recently that I had to leave work early because I had to attend school. "Are you going for your Master's?", she queried. (Nobody expects a fifty-something to be a college freshman.) "Wrong! Guess again."   "Bachelor's?"  "Nope!"  (Three strikes you're out!)  I couldn't stand it anymore so I blurted it out. "I'm working towards my Associate's Degree." (She was momentarily dumbfounded.)  I sheepishly added  "I am (and always have been) a late bloomer."
     Speaking of school, my professor is constantly remarking about how "old" he is.  What's frightening is that, to me, he appears young.  I recently discovered that he is ten years younger than I.  If he considers himself old, what must he think I am?  I am disinclined to inquire...
     I haven't been applying myself as stringently this semester as I have over the last two years.  I recently mentioned to a friend that I didn't feel like going to class, and that I hadn't done my homework. "Ah", she opined, "you finally have something in common with your (young) classmates!" 
     We have a group project to complete, which is the first I have ever participated in since returning to college.  I was hoping Professor would pair me with some of the more mature students, but such was not the case.  I am in a group with three 20-something guys.  (I don't mean 20-someting as in 28 or 29. I'm talking 20 or 21.)  In fact, I can't take my eyes off of the one fellow (not for the reason you're thinking...) because he looks just like my youngest son!  I can't begin to imagine what these young fellows (I just can't call them men) were thinking when they realized they would be working with their "grandmother". 
     While discussing the project, we have been deciding who will handle each task.  I volunteered to do the writing (naturally) while others are handling art work, graphs, and presentation.  My son's lookalike is a terrific artist, and was explaining how he had put a picture together in "pixels".  "Do you know what a pixel is?", he inquired of me.  With all eyes on me, I responded that no, I don't know what a pixel is, but that I do know how to spell and write in sentences...  I think we are a great match...

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