Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Spiders and Other Critters"

     Not too much has been happening in the month or so since I've written a post. I've been busy working and getting settled in my new apartment, and after two months, I'm pretty much there.  I was talking to my sister recently, and she was asking how I like my new place.  Quite frankly, I love it.  I have privacy!  I see flowing branches on a big tree, directly outside of my front window, giving me the freedom to keep my blinds open-even at night.  There are no rowdy neighbors.  In two months time, I have not been awakened by my neighbors once, not even on July 4th!  Conversely, the neighbors in my former unit had to deal with a three ring circus on the 4th.  "The witch" put up a tent, a volleyball net, and a slip & slide, all in the complex courtyard outside of my old apartment.  Then she proceeded to have thirty people over for a barbeque. Afterwards, she set off fireworks.  The management got wind of it (it was not me-it was the one armed man*).  Actually, it was another neighbor who is determined to see me vindicated.  The super subsequently went over to take pictures, prior to compelling her to take the stuff down.  I don't understand why she does not get evicted.  One of the mysteries of  (my) life, I guess.
     There is only one thing that I don't like about my apartment.  I imagine this is because of the tree, but there is an over abundance of spiders, in every size, shape, and form, not to mention stink bugs, moths, and Jersey mosquitos.  (Have you ever seen a Jersey mosquito?  They are about the size of a small fist!)  I walk through the hall bobbing and weaving, in an often futile attempt to avoid bodily contact.
       Recently, I saw something dark on my pillow one morning, grabbed for my glasses, and approached cautiously, while silently praying that it would not be a spider.  My prayers were not answered.  He was promptly squashed, and the pillow case discarded.  Then I was washing dishes, and the biggest daddy long legs started crawling up the side of the sink, headed right for me.  I was shrieking in terror, while debating how to dispose of him.  I had to think quickly, so I promptly washed him down the drain, no small feat with all of those long, wiry legs.  Additionally, a number of spiders have been swatted with my shoe, or sucked up in my vacuum.  I won't even keep the vacuum in the apartment anymore-it's in the hall until I empty the bag.  My sister, who is infinitely more clever than I, suggested I hire a professional  exterminator...Why didn't I think of that?!?!?!?!?!
*Dr. Richard Kimble in "The Fugitive"

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