Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Living My Life in Reverse"

     So, it has been more than a month since I have written a blog post.  I am so drained at the end of the week, after working, commuting, studying, and blogging for my class, that a lot of the time I can't bear to even turn the computer on when I am home.  About all I have energy left for is streaming from Netflix.  Since it has been so long since I have written, I will be switching gears rapidly throughout this post as I have a lot to say.
     "What do you mean you don't watch Grey's Anatomy?  It's the hottest show on television!"    That is what a friend asked me in astonishment-in 2006!  Well, I couldn't have envisioned it then, but I am now in the midst of streaming the series-all one hundred episodes!  Grey's Anatomy is my new Breaking Bad.  I am hooked.  Last weekend, while studying for an exam, I alternated between watching episodes and studying in 45 minute intervals. I have very little to eat in the house, and my apartment needs to be cleaned, but I got a "B" on my exam, and I find binging on  Dr. McDreamy to be very relaxing.  I need to repeat what I did with Breaking Bad-do a marathon of viewing so that I can get through it and actually have a life again.
      I am now halfway through my government and politics class-the mid-term exam was last week.  I really am getting too old for this s....stuff!  I feel as if I am living my life in reverse.  For the first time ever, I have a long, arduous commute.  I am learning a new job with a complex product line,  I am a college student, taking courses at night after a putting in a grueling day at the office and bucking the Jersey traffic for a few hours.  I am very nearly sixty!  People live like this in their twenties and thirties!  Thank goodness I am no longer of child bearing age, or who knows what could happen.  (Of course, a significant other would be required, but who's got the energy?  Or the time?) 
     Speaking of significant others-I am stiiiiiiiiiill looking for something online.  I don't exactly know what.  I imagine I will know him when I see him.  One fellow made me laugh with his profile comments today.  He's looking for someone to get him off  "this damned internet dating sight"!  Touche!
     Enough with the cell phones already!  It has gone too far when surgeons are taking selfies with their unconscious patients!
      I know I am getting older, because each successive generation becomes more irritating to me.  I'm sorry, but I have no patience for "New Millennium Yuppies", those dressed up kids in their fancy cars, with their slimline laptops and Smartphones.  Call me old fashioned, but I do not consider a day's work to consist of posting comments on social media while streaming the ridiculous Sharknado... (I know it's ridiculous-because I watched it (not in work).  Not all of it-I couldn't get through it. I just had to see what all of the hoopla was about. I went from the ridiculous to the sublime and watched the classic Jaws instead)  My son came to visit that day, and commented that never in his wildest dreams would he have envisioned me watching Sharknado.  To me it was more of a nightmare...
     Speaking of the younger generation, I don't know who finds today's "cantaloupe cleavage" attractive, but they obviously have never seen the exquisitely beautiful Elizabeth Taylor wearing a full slip in the movie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.   Her attire wasn't open to her waist, with two bulbous masses exposed.  All that could be seen was an inch or two of feminine softness, which was mysterious and alluring.  There is nothing either mysterious or alluring with today's offensive lingerie ads, or movie stars wearing distasteful apparel.  Mystery and romance seem to be a thing of the past.  I know-I am dating myself.  Oh well, no sense in being old unless you show it.

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