Friday, February 12, 2016

"First Trophy"

     Politically speaking-I have a few things to say.  Note that I hold politically correctness in utter disdain, and I am not politically oriented, but I am somewhat observant, and at times, opinionated.  In the current race for President, among the candidates we have a real estate mogul, rather than an actual politician, as the front runner on the Republican side, and we have the wife of a former President, albeit not the front runner, on the Democratic side.  Has anyone taken a look at the spouses, I wonder.  Namely, consider past Presidential wives, women of substance, women whose reputations have stood the test of time, women whom many emulate and hold in high esteem.  For example, Dolley Madison, Sarah Polk, Abigail Fillmore, Eleanor Roosevelt, Caroline Harrison, Edith Wilson, Jacqueline Kennedy, Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, Michelle Obama.  They are dignified women who left their own personal stamp on history in their roles as First Lady.  Who does our future hold in that high profile role?  Possibly...Melania Trump?  Hmmm....  What will her contribution be, I wonder.  If she lands the role, I of little faith suggest changing her title to  "First Trophy".
     On the flip side, what would Bill's title be if Hillary Clinton were to be elected?  I would like to propose....drumroll...."First Lady's Man"!
     In all seriousness, I do feel compelled to take a stand regarding one of Trump's positions-on that of torture.  I strongly disagree with his opinion, as he is in favor of it.  Either we are members of a civilized society or we are barbarians.  We can't have it both ways.  We cannot behave as barbarians, and then try to justify it by intimating that other barbarians are far worse and therefore deserving of our maltreatment.   I say we take the high road, and seek a humanitarian means of fighting terror. 
     In the upcoming race, I don't know if I will vote for a Democrat or a Republican, a Libertarian or an Independent, but I do intend to vote.  We women need to exercise this right, which was not God given, but hard won by our ancestors-courageous women who had the gumption to demand that women receive the same voting rights as men.  We owe it to them, and to ourselves.  So tell me-are you registered?

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