Saturday, February 21, 2015

Oscar Night or My Own Personal New Year's Eve

     Tomorrow night is my own personal New Year's Eve!  It's the long awaited, and highly anticipated, night of the Academy Awards!  
     Over time, I have slowly but surely evolved into one of those semi-senior citizens who is ready for bed at 7:30 P.M. ( which presents a real problem on school nights), and who rises with the birds (and my equally old chocolate lab) at 4:30 A.M.  Couple that routine with the fact that I hate New Year's Eve, and you will understand why I am still in bed early on Dec. 31st, despite the New Year's revelry which surrounds me.  However-Oscar night is another story altogether-it is a night that excites me as much as New Year's Eve partyers congregated at Times Square are excited. Tomorrow night, I will tune in early to see my favorite (and not so favorite) actors and actresses on the red carpet. I am eagerly anticipating (first and foremost) watching at least some of the show with my movie loving son.  I will head for home by 9 P.M., before I turn into into a pumpkin  (I said I would stay up late-not that I would stay out late!), and then my son  and I will be texting excitedly throughout the remainder of the evening.  I will be awake and watching until probably midnight, on the one and only night of the year on which I am willing to stay up that late. Over the years,  I used to drag myself to work the following day, drained from the prior night's sleep deprivation, but I recently got smart.  Now I schedule a post Oscar vacation day, so that I may recuperate, and also watch all of the inevitable recaps of the evening's highlights.  
     I generally make it a point to see all of the movies that are nominated for best picture, whether the film interests me or not.  At times I have been pleasantly surprised, and enjoyed movies that I never would have seen otherwise (like Django Unchained).  Conversely, I have suffered through films that I did not want to see (like Beasts of the Southern Wild).  The only good thing about seeing that movie, was that my son and I rented it from Red Box, so three of us suffered (he and his fiancee didn't like it either) for a mere dollar.  This year, however, having had surgery put a definite crimp in my style, and I have not been to the movies in weeks.  Not that I haven't watched movies.  My blue ray player got a real workout during the 2-1/2 weeks that I was home-it's still smoking!.  I have not been out to the movies though, a guilty pleasure that I usually indulge in on a weekly basis. 
      This year's nominated films are American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, Selma, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash. I have seen six of the eight, having missed Birdman and Selma (at least so far-I still have 36 hours!).  Consequently, I am not in a position to declare which film I believe deserves to win.  Of the six I did see, I would vote for American Sniper, with The Imitation Game coming in at a close second.  My son, who did see all of them, and who also makes predictions based on the precursor awards (something I as a movie lover had never heard of until he enlightened me) like the Directors' Guild, Producers' Guild, etc., believes that Birdman will win.  That's okay.  Not having seen them all, I am not as emotionally invested as I usually am, but I will be waiting with bated breath for the winner nevertheless!  Bring on Oscar!

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