Saturday, September 6, 2014

"Younger by the Day"

       You know the phone obsession has gone too far when the meteorologist is posting comments on Twitter instead of providing the weather forecast...

      My sister theorizes that if one is heavier, he or she will tend to look younger.  The way I am gaining weight-I must be looking younger by the day.

     Why do I keep a travel size bottle of hairspray when I never travel?  More importantly, why do I store it beside my bottle of eyeglass cleaner?  You guessed it-I grabbed the wrong bottle when I decided to clean my glasses (I couldn't tell the difference because...I didn't have my glasses on!).  So now my $800.00 glasses have a new kind of scratch coat on them.  Too bad I can't see through it...     

      Have you noticed lately that the only "stars" on DWTS are the professional dancers?

     My friend and I were discussing the importance of the opening line in a book, story , or article.  She then cited Moby Dick, to which I replied "Call me Ishmael".  She was visibly impressed, until I explained that I merely knew the line from hearing it in the movie Matilda...

"Haircut Free"

     So why do I have my hairdresser's telephone number programmed in my phone when I cut my hair every eighteen months? 
      The following event was not my original intent, but a result of the past "haircut free" year and a half:
     I am suffering from a new kind of separation anxiety.  I am missing my long hair.  I recently had this brainstorm that compelled me to cut my nearly waist long hair and donate it.  I love(d) my long hair.  I have worn it long for the better part of the last twenty years. (I'm a bit backwards, folks.  I sported short hair in my youth and decided to grow it long when I was in my forties!) 
     Before leaving for my appointment, I held onto my long curly locks and bid them farewell.  Shortly thereafter, my hairdresser asked me, as she held my still attached ten inch braid in her hands, scissors perched, was I sure.  My hands were shaking, and my lips trembled.  Unable to speak, I solemnly shook my head yes. In one felt swoop, off it came.   My sorrow subsequently turned to joy, however, as I perused the Locks of Love website, knowing my sacrifice would help a child in need.  
     The next day, when I went to work, many people were shocked.  Some even did double takes when I walked in sporting  hair that barely covered my ears.  One friend indicated that cutting my hair "took ten years off".  "Wow", I replied, "now I look like I'm fifty!"  (I'm not sixty yet folks-just getting myself mentally prepared...)  And don't get me wrong.  I really did appreciate the compliment.
     In all seriousness, this is a great organization.  Please check it out:

"Fall Semester 2014"

     I'm returning to school this week for the fall semester.  I suspect I should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for taking longer than anyone else in history to attain my Associate's Degree.  In reality-I'm just trying to hold onto my student discount until my senior citizen discount kicks in.
     The course I'm taking is "American Government and Politics".    Now, anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely despise politics.  Obviously, I don't have a choice, or I never would have chosen this class.  A number of people have expressed what an interesting class it will be.  I asked all three of them to take the class for me, but I didn't have any takers.  So alas, I will go in with an open mind and try to absorb all I can.  Two years ago, when I took Fiction and Film Studies, the theme of the course was-you guessed it-politics.  I was dismayed upon hearing that, but ultimately, I was pleasantly surprised.  We read and watched All the President's Men, & Primary Colors, and I truly enjoyed both.  We also viewed a classic film-Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.  I am hopeful that this upcoming course will go so well.  I doubt it will include movies, however...